Contrary to what many Churchians seem to believe, I am fairly confident that He is not. At least, not the gun-loving, gay-hating, clinic-picketing, pull-yourself-up-by-your-bootstraps, the-poor-can-take-care-of-themselves, anti-healthcare reform variety that has become known as the “Christian Right”. Is this really what we, the Church of Jesus Christ, want to be known for?
Now, I understand why Christians have aligned themselves on the right. I do. I'm not old enough to have experienced this political shift firsthand, but I hear it wasn't always this way. The shift, I believe, came about largely because of the controversy surrounding the legalization of abortion. So, let me be clear: I hate abortion, and if I could wave my wand and make sure it never happened again, I would. But just because I agree more with the Republican party's stance on this one issue1, somehow that means that I'm supposed to knee-jerk, unquestioningly, align myself with the entire Republican platform?
That's the part I don't get.
For example: why is it that evangelical Christians, in general, are rabidly opposed to “Obamacare”? Because the American health care system is working perfectly and needs no improvement?2 Because the church is about to open a vast network of free clinics and hospitals and alleviate the problem themselves? Is there some Biblical principal I've missed that says those with means have a right to excellent healthcare while the unemployed are out of luck? Or is it because Christians are supposed to be Republicans and therefore opposed to anything proposed by the Democrats? I keep coming back to Proverbs 29:7:
The righteous is concerned for the rights of the poor, the wicked does not understand such concern.
And how about welfare? The “Christian Right” isn't saying “The government should get out of the business of taking care of the poor because the church is doing such a great job of it that it's not necessary”. They're saying things like “the poor should get off their butts and quit expecting a hand-out”. Is that a principal Jesus taught somewhere in some obscure corner of the Bible? Isn't Jesus the guy who told the rich man in Matthew 19 “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven”?
Where on earth did Churchians get the idea that Jesus is a conservative?
Now, understand me—I'm no fan of hand-outs. Just ask my kids. As a matter of fact, I am a pretty big fan of the verse that says “if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.”3 I like to pick that one out and quote it, but Jesus? He's a lot more compassionate than I am. He seems to be pretty concerned about things like taking care of widows and orphans (or how about the modern American equivalent: single moms and foster kids?). And let's go there: the Acts church were basically communists4.
So Christians should be Democrats?
Personally, I find enough to disagree with in both major parties' platforms that I'm registered as an independent5. If you've checked out the party platform and feel like identifying with the Republican party, then OK—be a Republican. But please: don't be a Republican because you've been taught that's what Churchians are supposed to be.
And please...think about the message you're sending through your bumper stickers and social media rhetoric. Is spouting an opinion really worth confirming the commonly-held belief that Christians are a bunch of uncaring jerks?
1. And,'s a big issue. Huge.
2. If you think that is the case, you probably have a government job that provides your family with excellent, secure, high-cost-to-the-taxpayers coverage.
3. 2 Thessalonians 3:10, NASB
4. Acts 2:44-45 (NASB) And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.
5. Plus, I'm kind of a non-joiner. I admit to being a little rebellious like that.
Great thoughts...shake that tree sista!
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